Midjourney prompt permutations

TL;DR Midjourney now lets you use 1 prompt to act as many prompts.

A showcase for multiple Midjourney images being created by 1 prompt.

It is now possible to create multiple Midjourney prompt variants in a single prompt using “permutations”.

For example the prompt a beautiful french alpine village at {sunrise, noon, sunset, night} anime style results in the following 4 prompts being used for image generation:

  • a beautiful french alpine village at sunrise anime style

  • a beautiful french alpine village at noon anime style

  • a beautiful french alpine village at sunset anime style

  • a beautiful french alpine village at night anime style

This is a super-efficient way of getting several images with variations created without the need to submit many similar prompts. A total time-saver!

This feature only works with the standard and pro subscriptions and will obviously use up more of your image generation quota.

Read more about it at https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/permutations

Here are the 4 image sets created by that one single prompt:

Steve Digital

Hi, I am Steve, a digital business consultant focusing on AI, software development, and SEO. Some of my AI sites: AI Store, AI Blog, AI Videos, AI Community


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